I am currently printing to a file which is easily moved to OS X
and opened as a PDF. I will be testing printing directly to printer
this week, which I expect to work as Classic has worked in Tiger.
I have not yet tested networking because I haven't had a use for it
but will experiment more.
Previous attempts at using SheepShaver, were not consistent with
data from Hypercard moving between the SheepShaver OS9 and Tiger Classic OS9
but this no longer seems to be a problem with my current configuration.
An announcement from Apple stating that a new Leopard version of Calendar
will be required to sync between devices made finding a solution a priority,
as we have been running Tiger on 2 machines for Hypercard compatibility.
--- In HyperCard-Mailing-List, Tim Selander <selander@...> wrote:
> How stable is it? Can you print from OS9? How about access to the
> network?
> Would love to know....
> Tim Selander
> Tokyo, Japan
> On 2/25/11 9:29 AM, firewiredartist wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hypercard running problem free on MacBook Pro - Snow Leopard!
> >
> > including fully functional Reports Data Pro
> >
> > SheepShaver on a password protected USB thumb drive.
> >
> > Hypercard stacks reside on the SheepShaver disk.
> >
> > Easy file transfer between OS X documents folder (UNIX)
> >
> > and the OS 9.0.4 environment.
> >
> > screen cap <
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]