HyperCard Mailing List

[HC] Music and Animation
(Msg 1 of 3)
TT <tamayo@[redacted].com>
Sunday, 27-Mar-2011 20:54 GMT
I was wondering if anyone has in their archives stacks such as
"HyperComposer" and "Take One" by Motion Works. I would also be interested
in other related stacks that pertain to music, sound, and animation. I saw
a review for the aforementioned programs in this video:
http://www.archive.org/details/hypercard_2 from the "Computer Chronicles"
series. There are other videos in those archives which may also be of
interest to the group.


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[HC] Music and Animation
(Msg 2 of 3)
tixrus <platypus@[redacted].com>
Sunday, 27-Mar-2011 21:57 GMT
I had a stack that did animations of the proper strokes for drawing the letters of the roman alphabet. It had a list of points for each letter and it worked by automatically dragging the painting tools from point to point. It was called Easy writer or something like that. I could probably dig it out if you want it. And if you don't that's OK too.

--- In HyperCard-Mailing-List, TT <tamayo@...> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has in their archives stacks such as
> "HyperComposer" and "Take One" by Motion Works. I would also be interested
> in other related stacks that pertain to music, sound, and animation. I saw
> a review for the aforementioned programs in this video:
> http://www.archive.org/details/hypercard_2 from the "Computer Chronicles"
> series. There are other videos in those archives which may also be of
> interest to the group.
> -TT
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[HC] Music and Animation
(Msg 3 of 3)
TT <tamayo@[redacted].com>
Friday, 01-Apr-2011 00:54 GMT
Yes, I would be interested.

Does anyone know of any good repositories for shareware stacks, collections,


On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:57 PM, tixrus <platypus@[redacted].com wrote:

> I had a stack that did animations of the proper strokes for drawing the
> letters of the roman alphabet. It had a list of points for each letter and
> it worked by automatically dragging the painting tools from point to point.
> It was called Easy writer or something like that. I could probably dig it
> out if you want it. And if you don't that's OK too.
> --- In HyperCard-Mailing-List, TT <tamayo@...> wrote:
> >
> > I was wondering if anyone has in their archives stacks such as
> > "HyperComposer" and "Take One" by Motion Works. I would also be
> interested
> > in other related stacks that pertain to music, sound, and animation. I
> saw
> > a review for the aforementioned programs in this video:
> > http://www.archive.org/details/hypercard_2 from the "Computer
> Chronicles"
> > series. There are other videos in those archives which may also be of
> > interest to the group.
> >
> > -TT
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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