Then congratulations to Rebecca for the big job done! It must be really exciting to be able to understand the discussion. I wish I could. I'll keep reading anyway. I'm still using Hypercard on an iBook G4 runing classic. Thanks.
At 5:23 +0000 21/06/11, creysoft wrote:
>Short Version: Rebecca wrote a Java implementation of a HyperTalk interpreter. There's no GUI yet, but it's open source, so that puts us one step closer to a completely open source HyperCard.
>xTalk interpreters are notoriously difficult to write, so just finishing one is an impressive accomplishment. The fact that it's written in Java (the language of choice for modern development) makes it even cooler.
>--- In <mailto:HyperCard%>HyperCard-Mailing-List, Haroldo Mauro Jr <hmauro@...> wrote:
>> Apparently something very exciting is happening. Could someone explain in simple terms what is it? I know it has to do with Hypercard and programing and is probably a breakthrough. Other than that I'm ignorant. Is Hypercard being re-written? Please help!!