HyperCard Mailing List

[HC] Questions about ELEFAT?
(Msg 1 of 7)
lcgarcial <lcgarcia@[redacted].org>
Sunday, 09-Oct-2011 06:20 GMT
I came across a reference to ELEFAT in http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/RsHYPERCARD/links, in which it is defined as an "incomplete HC clone for Mac OS 10". I immediately visited the site (http://www.geocities.jp/choco_softcream/), downloaded it and installed it in my computer, a MacBook Pro with Mac OS 10.6.8.
I have tried to convert some old HC stacks and view them in Mac OS 10. The application HyperCardToElefat seems to work fine with some stacks, as it produces files of about the same size as the original HC files, while it fails to translate others; in this case the translated files have size zero (0 kb). On the other hand, when I open the new ElefatDocument files, I only get a blank card with no data, only the text and drawings from the stack's background. The fields and buttons are well identified but it is not possible to navigate in the stack, even tough the "Stack information" indicates correctly the number of cards and shows functional scripts. The 4 examples of stacks included in the ELEFAT folder work just fine; alas there is no stack with a writing-to text field.
I am very interested in ELEFAT. The NGO for which I work, established in 1989, utilises only Macintosh computers, and has a very large number of files with information about its projects and activities, which have not been translated to any application in the Mac OS X environment. Some stacks have been printed as pdf files, so that the information can be read, but of course this is an extremely primitive way of using the stacks, very far off the powerful possibilities we had with HC.
I would like to ask a couple of questions about ELEFAT in case there is someone who has had some experience with this "clone" (these questions were posted to the ELEFAT address that appears in the site [choco_softcream@[redacted].cojp], but it seems it is no longer utilised):
1. Does ELEFAT work with Mac OS 10.6 or only with earlier versions, namely those with Motorola processors, which could run classic applications?
2. Are there newer versions of ELEFAT, after the 0.5.2 version?
3. Are there English versions of the Readme and other explanatory files? I tried to "translate" de Japanese versions with Google Translator, which does not do a very good job.
I shall be most thankful for replies; from what little I have seen ELEFAT seems to have achieved quite a bit of what HC users have been dreaming about for years.

[HC] Questions about ELEFAT?
(Msg 2 of 7)
Tim Selander <selander@[redacted].jp>
Sunday, 09-Oct-2011 12:22 GMT

On 10/9/11 3:20 PM, lcgarcial wrote:

> 1. Does ELEFAT work with Mac OS 10.6 or only with earlier versions,
> namely those with Motorola processors, which could run classic applications?
I don't know about 10.6, but it runs fine on my Mac Book Pro,
10.5.8, Intel Core Duo CPU.

> 2. Are there newer versions of ELEFAT, after the 0.5.2 version?
Does not appear to be.

> 3. Are there English versions of the Readme and other explanatory files?
> I tried to "translate" de Japanese versions with Google Translator,
> which does not do a very good job.

I have done a quick a dirty translation of the files. No
guarantees regarding accuracy, but I will wager it is more
accurate than Google Translator.

I will post the translations in this email so that they get into
the archives and will turn up if anyone else searches Elefat in
the future.

I played with Elefat some time ago. It is very impressive. But I
also recall reading somewhere that the author did this for his
own amusement, and is not expecting to take the project further.
A pity!

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

The Elefat "Read me" file:
About Elefat

What is Elefat
It is software to easily make things that move on a Macintosh.
For example, picture books, games, etc., -- you can make these
things. Make things move by easy programming. Please try opening
the related sample stacks.

What Elefat is good for
•Making picture books, games, instruction manuals

•Making a journal/diary

•Doing a bit of text conversions

•Doing a bit of simulations

※Please note: the above are plans. There are many gaps between
these plans and the product as it is now. Like, you can't make a
journal with it now.

Operating Environment
Mac OS X 10.4 以降 (iBook, Mac OS X 10.4.10 で動作確認済み )
Mac OS X 10.5 and about (Confirmed working on an iBook, Mac OS X

Universal Binary (たぶん)
Universal Binary (probably)

The product has been thoroughly checked, but if by some chance
you notice anything, I know it's a bother, but please send a note
to choco_softcream@[redacted].cojp

※Revision: The above "thoroughly" should read "twice." I
apologize for the correction.

A Statement of Copyright
じたいかなる損害に対しても作者は責任を負いません。 Copy right
2007. All right reserved. しゅん
This software is freeware. The copyright and all rights and
privileges attached to the copyright, belong to the author. The
author assumes no responsibility regarding damages or loss
arising from the use of this software. Copy right 2007. All
rights reserved. Shun

mail-address: choco_softcream@[redacted].cojp

----------end of file

The Elefat "使用可能なスクリプト" file

You can call the commands you make, but you cannot call the
functions that you make.

You can use only item, line and word as delimiters. You can't use

Right now, true/false values are returned as 1 and 0.

If 'else' is not used on a line by itself, it will fail with an

Buttons and fields on other cards cannot be referenced.

Icons can be read in from jpeg, png and tiff files.

きにはlock screenを使うことをおすすめします。
Refreshing the screen will always use 1 tick, to if you refresh
more than 2 items, I recommend using the "lock screen."

List of useable syntax

repeat with i=1 to 10
repeat for 10
repeat forever

if ~ then
else if ~ then

List of useable commands

add ~ to ~
answer ~ (with ~)
ask ~ (with ~)
do menu ~
get ~
go to ~
hide ~
lock screen
pop card
push card
put ~
put ~ into ~

send <ハンドラ名> to <オブジェクト>
send <handler name> to <object>

set the ~ to ~
show ~
unlock screen
wait <時間>
wait <time>

Useable properties

alpha [1~100]
hilite ※Button Only
icon ※Button Only
locktext ※Field Only
showname ※Button Only
style [0, 1, 10, 11]

Useable functions


Useable constants


Useable operators


Useable messages



exit ~
pass ~

---------------end of file

The Elefat "変更点" file

This is just the changes between versions, bug fixes, not related
to use. Not translated.

--------------end of file

The Elefat "HtoE取り扱い説明書" file (HtoE user's manual)

About "HyperCardToElefat"

This is software to convert Hypercard stacks to Elefat files.
Please refer to the warnings below when using.

Important Points

(1) There is a chance of failure in reading the file, resulting
in an endless loop.
--> Please force quit the program

(2) There is the possibility of stack corruption.
--> Please use this only on copies of your stacks

(3) The program may suddenly quit.
--> This causes no real problems.

(4) The time remaining indicator fluctuates wildly.
--> I didn't know how to calculate the remaining time, so I'm
showing random numbers.

(5) It gives no response.
--> That's a feature.

(6)There is a possibility that conversion will fail (including
problems (1) and (3)).
--> I would be happy if you sent the stack to

Operating Environment
Mac OS X 10.4 以降 (iBook, Mac OS X 10.4.10 で動作確認済み )
Mac OS X 10.4 and above (Tested on an iBook, OSX 10.4.1)

ver 0.5.2で変換されるもの
Changes in version 0.5.2

スタック関連 Related to Stacks
画面の大きさ screen size
スタックスクリプト stack script

バックグラウンド関連 Related to Backgrounds
バックグラウンドスクリプト background script
バックグラウンドの名前 background name
バックグラウンドID background ID
バックグランドピクチャ background picture

カード関連 Related to Cards
カードスクリプト card script
カードの名前 card name
カードID card ID
カードピクチャ card picture

ボタン・フィールド関連 Related to Buttons & Fields
位置 Position
名前 Name
スクリプト Script
contents (except for unshared background fields)

フォント名,フォントサイズ Font name and Font size
ボタンのスタイル button style
アイコン icon
ハイライト highlight
名前を表示 show name
その他 Other
アイコン Icons

じたいかなる損害に対しても作者は責任を負いません。 Copy right
2007. All right reserved. しゅん
This software is freeware. The copyright and all rights and
privileges attached to the copyright, belong to the author. The
author assumes no responsibility regarding damages or loss
arising from the use of this software. Copy right 2007. All
rights reserved. Shun

mail-address: choco_softcream@[redacted].cojp

---------end of file
[HC] Questions about ELEFAT?
(Msg 3 of 7)
geradamas <richmond@[redacted].com>
Sunday, 09-Oct-2011 18:41 GMT

I understood that you contacted the author. I wonder if there is a way for you to get in touch with him, and, possibly,
get him to release his code into the public domain?

--- In HyperCard-Mailing-List, Tim Selander <selander@...> wrote:
> On 10/9/11 3:20 PM, lcgarcial wrote:
> > 1. Does ELEFAT work with Mac OS 10.6 or only with earlier versions,
> > namely those with Motorola processors, which could run classic applications?
> I don't know about 10.6, but it runs fine on my Mac Book Pro,
> 10.5.8, Intel Core Duo CPU.
> > 2. Are there newer versions of ELEFAT, after the 0.5.2 version?
> Does not appear to be.
> > 3. Are there English versions of the Readme and other explanatory files?
> > I tried to "translate" de Japanese versions with Google Translator,
> > which does not do a very good job.
> I have done a quick a dirty translation of the files. No
> guarantees regarding accuracy, but I will wager it is more
> accurate than Google Translator.
> I will post the translations in this email so that they get into
> the archives and will turn up if anyone else searches Elefat in
> the future.
> I played with Elefat some time ago. It is very impressive. But I
> also recall reading somewhere that the author did this for his
> own amusement, and is not expecting to take the project further.
> A pity!
> Tim Selander
> Tokyo, Japan
> The Elefat "Read me" file:
> Elefatについて
> About Elefat
> Elefatってなに?
> What is Elefat
> 手軽にMacintosh上で動くものã‚'作るためのソフトです。例えば、絵本や
> ゲーム等ã‚'作るã"とができます。簡単なプログラムã‚'動かせます。ため
> しに付属しているサンプルスタックã‚'開いて見てください。
> It is software to easily make things that move on a Macintosh.
> For example, picture books, games, etc., -- you can make these
> things. Make things move by easy programming. Please try opening
> the related sample stacks.
> Elefatにむいているã"と
> What Elefat is good for
> ・絵本,ゲーム,説明書ã‚'作る
> •Making picture books, games, instruction manuals
> ・日記帳ã‚'作る
> •Making a journal/diary
> ・ちょっとしたテキストの変換
> •Doing a bit of text conversions
> ・ちょっとしたシミュレーション
> •Doing a bit of simulations
> ※注意:上記の内容は予定です。現実と一致していないものが多数存在し
> ます。日記帳なã‚"か作れませã‚"。
> ※Please note: the above are plans. There are many gaps between
> these plans and the product as it is now. Like, you can't make a
> journal with it now.
> 動作ç'°å¢ƒ
> Operating Environment
> Mac OS X 10.4 以降 (iBook, Mac OS X 10.4.10 で動作確認済み )
> Mac OS X 10.5 and about (Confirmed working on an iBook, Mac OS X
> 10.4.10)
> Universal Binary (たぶã‚")
> Universal Binary (probably)
> 補足
> Supplement
> 製å"ã«ã¯ä¸‡å…¨ã‚'期しておりますが、万一お気づきの点がã"ざいましたら
> お手数ですがchoco_softcream@...までお送りください。
> The product has been thoroughly checked, but if by some chance
> you notice anything, I know it's a bother, but please send a note
> to choco_softcream@...
> ※訂正:上記の「万」は「ï¼'」の誤りです。訂正しておわびç"³ã—上ã'ます。
> ※Revision: The above "thoroughly" should read "twice." I
> apologize for the correction.
> è`—作権に関する表示
> A Statement of Copyright
> ã"のソフトウェアはフリーウェアです。è`—作権およびè`—作権に付随する
> すべての権利は作者に帰属します。ã"のソフトウェアの使ç"¨ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ç"Ÿ
> じたいかなる損害に対しても作者は責任ã‚'負いませã‚"。 Copy right
> 2007. All right reserved. しゅã‚"
> This software is freeware. The copyright and all rights and
> privileges attached to the copyright, belong to the author. The
> author assumes no responsibility regarding damages or loss
> arising from the use of this software. Copy right 2007. All
> rights reserved. Shun
> mail-address: choco_softcream@...
> ----------end of file
> The Elefat "使ç"¨å¯èƒ½ãªã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ•ã‚šãƒˆ" file
> 自分で作ったå`½ä»¤ã¯å`¼ã³å‡ºã›ã¾ã™ãŒã€è‡ªåˆ†ã§ä½œã£ãŸé–¢æ•°ã¯å`¼ã³å‡ºã›ã¾ã›ã‚"。
> You can call the commands you make, but you cannot call the
> functions that you make.
> デリミターとして使えるのは、item,line,wordのみです。charは使えま
> せã‚"。
> You can use only item, line and word as delimiters. You can't use
> char.
> 真偽値は現在のとã"ろ1か0でè¿"ってきます。
> Right now, true/false values are returned as 1 and 0.
> else文ã‚'1行にまとめると、エラー表示に失敗します。
> If 'else' is not used on a line by itself, it will fail with an
> error.
> 他のカードのボタン、フィールドは参照すらできませã‚"。
> Buttons and fields on other cards cannot be referenced.
> アイコンはJPEG,PNG,TIFFファイルã‚'読み込むã"とができます。
> Icons can be read in from jpeg, png and tiff files.
> ç"»é¢ã®æ›¸ãæ›ãˆã«å¿…ず1tickかかるので、2つ以上のものã‚'書き換えると
> きにはlock screenã‚'使うã"とã‚'おすすめします。
> Refreshing the screen will always use 1 tick, to if you refresh
> more than 2 items, I recommend using the "lock screen."
> 使える構文一覧
> List of useable syntax
> repeat with i=1 to 10
> repeat for 10
> repeat forever
> if ~ then
> else if ~ then
> else
> 使えるå`½ä»¤ä¸€è¦§
> List of useable commands
> add ~ to ~
> answer ~ (with ~)
> ask ~ (with ~)
> do menu ~
> get ~
> go to ~
> hide ~
> lock screen
> pop card
> push card
> put ~
> put ~ into ~
> send <ハンドラ名> to <オブジェクト>
> send <handler name> to <object>
> set the ~ to ~
> show ~
> unlock screen
> wait <時é–">
> wait <time>
> 使えるプロãƒ`ティ
> Useable properties
> alpha [1~100]
> hilite ※Button Only
> icon ※Button Only
> loc
> locktext ※Field Only
> name
> rect
> script
> showname ※Button Only
> style [0, 1, 10, 11]
> 使える関数
> Useable functions
> random(<整数><integer>)
> sin(~)
> cos(~)
> tan(~)
> atan(~)
> theta(x,y)
> round(~)
> trunc(~)
> ceil(~)
> abs(~)
> ticks
> mouseLoc
> 使える定数
> Useable constants
> pi
> empty
> return
> comma
> quote
> space
> colon
> true
> false
> uparrow
> downarrow
> leftarrow
> rightarrow
> 使えるæ¼"算子
> Useable operators
> *
> /
> +
> -
> &
> and
> or
> 使えるメッセージ
> Useable messages
> idle
> mouseUp
> mouseDown
> mouseDrag
> openCard
> closeCard
> keyDown
> その他
> Other
> global
> exit ~
> pass ~
> stop
> ---------------end of file
> The Elefat "変更点" file
> This is just the changes between versions, bug fixes, not related
> to use. Not translated.
> --------------end of file
> The Elefat "HtoE取り扱い説明書" file (HtoE user's manual)
> HyperCardToElefatについて
> About "HyperCardToElefat"
> HyperCardのスタックã‚'Elefatのファイルに変換するソフトです。
> 以下のã"とに注意してã"使ç"¨ãã ã•ã„。
> This is software to convert Hypercard stacks to Elefat files.
> Please refer to the warnings below when using.
> 注意事項
> Important Points
> â` èª­ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã«å¤±æ•—して無限ループにはいる可能性があります。
> â†'強制終了してください。
> (1) There is a chance of failure in reading the file, resulting
> in an endless loop.
> --> Please force quit the program
> â`¡ã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚'破損する可能性があります。
> â†'スタックã‚'複製後、ã"使ç"¨ãã ã•ã„。
> (2) There is the possibility of stack corruption.
> --> Please use this only on copies of your stacks
> â`¢çªç„¶è½ã¡ã‚‹å¯èƒ½æ€§ãŒã‚ります。
> â†'特に問題はありませã‚"。
> (3) The program may suddenly quit.
> --> This causes no real problems.
> â`£æ®‹ã‚Šæ™‚é–"らしきものが激しく変動します。
> â†'残り時é–"の計算方法が分からなかったので、乱数ã‚'表示しています。
>  あてにしないでください。
> (4) The time remaining indicator fluctuates wildly.
> --> I didn't know how to calculate the remaining time, so I'm
> showing random numbers.
> â`¤åå¿œã—ませã‚"。
> â†'仕様です。
> (5) It gives no response.
> --> That's a feature.
> â`¥å¤‰æ›ã«å¤±æ•—する可能性があります(含むâ` â`¢ï¼‰ã€‚
> â†'スタックã‚'choco_softcream@...までお送りいただã`れば幸い
> です。
> (6)There is a possibility that conversion will fail (including
> problems (1) and (3)).
> --> I would be happy if you sent the stack to
> choco_softcream@...
> 動作ç'°å¢ƒ
> Operating Environment
> Mac OS X 10.4 以降 (iBook, Mac OS X 10.4.10 で動作確認済み )
> Mac OS X 10.4 and above (Tested on an iBook, OSX 10.4.1)
> ver 0.5.2で変換されるもの
> Changes in version 0.5.2
> スタック関連 Related to Stacks
> ç"»é¢ã®å¤§ãã• screen size
> スタックスクリプト stack script
> バックグラウンド関連 Related to Backgrounds
> バックグラウンドスクリプト background script
> バックグラウンドの名前 background name
> バックグラウンドID background ID
> バックグランドãƒ"クチャ background picture
> カード関連 Related to Cards
> カードスクリプト card script
> カードの名前 card name
> カードID card ID
> カードãƒ"クチャ card picture
> ボタン・フィールド関連 Related to Buttons & Fields
> 位置 Position
> 名前 Name
> スクリプト Script
> 内容(共有されていないバックグラウンドフィールドã‚'除く)
> contents (except for unshared background fields)
> フォント名,フォントサイズ Font name and Font size
> ボタンのスタイル button style
> アイコン icon
> ハイライト highlight
> 名前ã‚'表示 show name
> その他 Other
> アイコン Icons
> è`—作権に関する表示
> ã"のソフトウェアはフリーウェアです。è`—作権およびè`—作権に付随する
> すべての権利は作者に帰属します。ã"のソフトウェアの使ç"¨ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ç"Ÿ
> じたいかなる損害に対しても作者は責任ã‚'負いませã‚"。 Copy right
> 2007. All right reserved. しゅã‚"
> This software is freeware. The copyright and all rights and
> privileges attached to the copyright, belong to the author. The
> author assumes no responsibility regarding damages or loss
> arising from the use of this software. Copy right 2007. All
> rights reserved. Shun
> mail-address: choco_softcream@...
> ---------end of file
[HC] Questions about ELEFAT?
(Msg 4 of 7)
Tim Selander <selander@[redacted].jp>
Sunday, 09-Oct-2011 23:31 GMT
No, I didn't contact the author -- only read his website... on
which he gives no clue as to his identity other than the (non
working, apparently) email address and his first name, Shun. You
may pick it up in the docs, but he seems to have a dry quirky
sense of humor (like saying the software is thoroughly tested,
only to footnote a correction saying, well, I tested it twice!)

If anything, Hypercard was a bigger hit here in Japan than even
the US. Lots of Japanese users begging for more Elefat... but
Shun has been quite elusive.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

[HC] Questions about ELEFAT?
(Msg 5 of 7)
geradamas <richmond@[redacted].com>
Monday, 10-Oct-2011 17:21 GMT

--- In HyperCard-Mailing-List, Tim Selander <selander@...> wrote:
> No, I didn't contact the author -- only read his website... on
> which he gives no clue as to his identity other than the (non
> working, apparently) email address and his first name, Shun. You
> may pick it up in the docs, but he seems to have a dry quirky
> sense of humor (like saying the software is thoroughly tested,
> only to footnote a correction saying, well, I tested it twice!)
> If anything, Hypercard was a bigger hit here in Japan than even
> the US. Lots of Japanese users begging for more Elefat... but
> Shun has been quite elusive.
> Tim Selander
> Tokyo, Japan
[HC] Questions about ELEFAT?
(Msg 6 of 7)
Uli Kusterer <Witness.of.TeachText@[redacted].net>
Friday, 14-Oct-2011 12:05 GMT
On Oct 10, 2011, at 1:31 AM, Tim Selander wrote:
> If anything, Hypercard was a bigger hit here in Japan than even
> the US. Lots of Japanese users begging for more Elefat... but
> Shun has been quite elusive.

Just curious, could you elaborate on that? Is there any special reason why the Japanese are still hot for HyperCard? Any particular type of project that can't be done with SuperCard or LiveCard? Lacking Unicode support in those tools?

-- Uli Kusterer
"The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere..."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[HC] Questions about ELEFAT?
(Msg 7 of 7)
Tim Selander <selander@[redacted].jp>
Friday, 14-Oct-2011 14:38 GMT
Hi Uli,

I wouldn't say that they are 'still hot' for HC in general.... of
course most have moved on. But in it's day, it was very big here.
No hard numbers, but it seemed more popular than even in the US
judging by the number of books, magazine articles, etc.
Pre-internet the Mac magazines all bundled CDROMs with each issue
chock full of sample software, programming projects, etc., and
always had a lot of HC stuff on them.

Also, Apple Japan gave away the full version free much longer
than Apple USA did, if I recall correctly. A while back when I
discovered Elefat, reading the forums and maybe his website (I'm
getting fuzzy) there were a lot of voices calling out hoping for

As to why SC and LC are not big here, I can't know for sure, as
early on anyway SC was known here... but my guess is the number
one reason is complete and utter lack of Japanese documentation,
marketing, etc. for both SC and LC -- it's worse for LC I would
think. How many Japanese have even heard about it? A distant
number two would be the miserable Japanese language support (in
my opinion). That's the main killer for me, though. After that,
personally, I make very, very heavy use of Reports 9 to 5 in HC.
I haven't found anything that can touch the HC/Reports combo for
the work I need to do in my company. So we still plug along with
an OS9 eMac running the one system I wrote for customer data base
and viewer/listener tracking eons ago....


On 10/14/11 9:05 PM, Uli Kusterer wrote:
> On Oct 10, 2011, at 1:31 AM, Tim Selander wrote:
> > If anything, Hypercard was a bigger hit here in Japan than even
> > the US. Lots of Japanese users begging for more Elefat... but
> > Shun has been quite elusive.
> Just curious, could you elaborate on that? Is there any special reason
> why the Japanese are still hot for HyperCard? Any particular type of
> project that can't be done with SuperCard or LiveCard? Lacking Unicode
> support in those tools?
> Cheers,
> -- Uli Kusterer
> "The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere..."
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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