HyperCard Mailing List

[HC] Ministry for Woolen Underwear posts
(Msg 1 of 3)
metamerman <scott@[redacted].com>
Wednesday, 29-Feb-2012 15:11 GMT
I've been dealing with the government a lot lately and Grant Schampel's posts on the SuperCard list about the Ministry for Woolen Underwear keep popping into my head. Google turns up nada for the actual posts, although the term has appeared a few times in the Runrev mailing lists. Did anyone save these posts or know where they are archived? I'd like to read them again, and I think it'd be good to put them up on a tribute site someplace.
[HC] Ministry for Woolen Underwear posts
(Msg 2 of 3)
Ken Ray <kray@[redacted].com>
Wednesday, 29-Feb-2012 20:37 GMT
On Feb 29, 2012, at 9:11 AM, metamerman wrote:

> I've been dealing with the government a lot lately and Grant Schampel's posts on the SuperCard list about the Ministry for Woolen Underwear keep popping into my head. Google turns up nada for the actual posts, although the term has appeared a few times in the Runrev mailing lists. Did anyone save these posts or know where they are archived? I'd like to read them again, and I think it'd be good to put them up on a tribute site someplace.
> Regards,
> Scott
Hey, Scott! Long time to hear!

You should check out the whole set of Ivan Aufulich papers, including information on the Ministry for Woolen Underwear Richard Gaskin keeps this at
his old site:


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray@[redacted].comWeb Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/l

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[HC] Ministry for Woolen Underwear posts
(Msg 3 of 3)
richard g <Ambassador@[redacted].com>
Monday, 05-Mar-2012 19:07 GMT
Thanks for the reminder, Ken. I'll move those into the new site shortly after I convert it to the new CMS I'm writing for it.

--- In HyperCard-Mailing-List, Ken Ray <kray@...> wrote:
> On Feb 29, 2012, at 9:11 AM, metamerman wrote:
> > I've been dealing with the government a lot lately and Grant Schampel's posts on the SuperCard list about the Ministry for Woolen Underwear keep popping into my head. Google turns up nada for the actual posts, although the term has appeared a few times in the Runrev mailing lists. Did anyone save these posts or know where they are archived? I'd like to read them again, and I think it'd be good to put them up on a tribute site someplace.
> > Regards,
> > Scott
> >
> Hey, Scott! Long time to hear!
> You should check out the whole set of Ivan Aufulich papers, including information on the Ministry for Woolen Underwear… Richard Gaskin keeps this at his old site:
> http://www.fourthworld.com/_Embassy/Ivan/Ivan.html
> >
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
> Email: kray@...
> Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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