HyperCard Mailing List

[HC] In Celebration and Lament
(Msg 1 of 5)
pwforaker <paul.foraker@[redacted].com>
Thursday, 31-May-2012 18:56 GMT
[HC] In Celebration and Lament
(Msg 2 of 5)
Haroldo Mauro <hmauro@[redacted].com>
Thursday, 31-May-2012 19:13 GMT
Thanks for sharing. Very good article.
On 31/05/2012, at 15:56, pwforaker wrote:

> http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/05/25-years-of-hypercard-the-missing-link-to-the-web/

[HC] In Celebration and Lament
(Msg 3 of 5)
David Reaves <rrsounds@[redacted].com>
Wednesday, 11-Jul-2012 09:19 GMT
It's sad but, these days, not surprising that a number of comments were so misinformed about HyperCard's uniqueness and pioneering ideas.

Semper Hy!

Kind Regards,
David Reaves

On Thu May 31, 2012 12:13 pm ((PDT))"Haroldo Mauro" wrote:
> Thanks for sharing. Very good article.
> Harold
> On 31/05/2012, at 15:56, pwforaker wrote:
>> http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/05/25-years-of-hypercard-the-missing-link-to-the-web/
[HC] In Celebration and Lament
(Msg 4 of 5)
pwforaker <paul.foraker@[redacted].com>
Saturday, 21-Jul-2012 17:23 GMT
Here's another celebration at Huffington Post

The Twitter stream that follows the article is not, unfortunately, about
HyperCard as we know it, but the Comments below that are worth reading.
(Note: 1 duplicate message omitted.)
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